Hotel Location and Parking

    Louisville Marriott Downtown
    280 W Jefferson St, Louisville, KY 40202

    Note that the Louisville Marriott Downtown garage is operated by a third-party management company. Hotel Garage availability is not guaranteed and subject to Hotel occupancy. Hotel will suggest alternate parking options, should Hotel Garage become unavailable. Parking rates are subject to change without notice.
    The current parking rates apply:
    (0-4) Hours $35.00
    (4-24) Hours $40.00

    Valet Parking
    (0-24) Hours $40.00
    Overnight $45.00

    The Louisville Marriott Downtown Parking Garage height is 6’8” – Please plan to make alternate arrangements for vehicles larger than 6’8” tall. The Louisville Marriott Downtown does not provide oversized vehicle, bus, or trailer parking – This service must be arranged through the city of Louisville.